Table 1.: Baseline Cohort Comparison Before and After Propensity Score Matching

Characteristics Before Match After Match
FP44 (N=2,294) MON (N=16,994) p-Value FP44 (N=2,212) MON (N=4,424) p-Value
Age, y, (mean, SD)* 7.2 (2.2) 7.1 (2.2) 0.004 7.2 (2.2) 7.2 (2.2) 0.616
Female (%)* 40.4 39.3 0.348 40.6 40.6 0.964
Region (%)*
  East 33.0 29.9 0.027 33.2 34.5 0.185
  Midwest 57.1 45.5 <0.001 56.5 56.2 0.727
  South 4.1 14.7 <0.001 4.3 3.5 0.002
  West 5.8 9.8 <0.001 6.0 5.9 0.843
Season of index prescription(%)*
  Winter 30.6 23.7 <0.001 29.8 30.6 0.362
  Autumn 29.3 27.9 0.159 29.5 29.9 0.674
  Summer 13.1 18.1 <0.001 13.5 12.8 0.314
  Spring 26.9 30.2 0.001 27.3 26.7 0.552
Physician specialty (%)*
  Specialist 11.8 15.9 <0.001 12.3 11.7 0.433
  Primary care 72.9 66.3 <0.001 72.5 70.8 0.078
  Others 15.2 17.7 0.003 15.3 17.5 0.005
Charlson index in pre-index period (mean, SD)* 0.98 (0.44) 0.98 (0.39) 0.718 0.98 (0.43) 0.98 (0.36) 0.804
Concomitant allergic rhinitis (%)* 31.6 46.9 <0.001 32.2% 31.2 0.162
# of classes of AR medications (mean, SD) 0.53 (0.75) 0.61 (0.80) <0.001 0.54 (0.76) 0.53 (0.75) 0.387
Presence of SABA use (%) 71.3 43.4 <0.001 81.6 71.5 <0.001
# of SABA canisters, (mean, SD)* 1.26 (1.63) 0.75 (1.26) <0.001 1.29 (1.15) 1.21 (1.61) <0.001
Presence of OCS use (%) 36.9 36.7 0.829 36.5 36.2 0.749
# of OCS prescriptions, (mean, SD)* 0.53 (0.88) 0.54 (0.88) 0.628 0.53 (0.88) 0.54 (0.91) 0.378
Hosp/ED for asthma-related conditions (%)* 8.0 7.6 0.521 7.8 8.4 0.607
Hosp/ED for asthma-related conditions (mean, SD) 0.09 (0.36) 0.09 (0.34) 0.397 0.09 (0.36) 0.10 (0.37) 0.314
Asthma-related costs in pre-index period
 Medical costs (mean, SD) $260 (886) $245 (666) 0.420 $259 (896) $275 (767) 0.349
 Pharmacy costs (mean, SD) $41 (136) $40 (99) 0.912 $39 (138) $42 (83) 0.127
Total costs (mean, SD) $301 (905) $285 (453) 0.420 $297 (914) $318 (785) 0.262

* Variables used for propensity matching. FP44 = Fluticasone propionate 44mcg, MON = montelukast, SD = standard deviation Hosp= hospitalizations, ED = emergency department visit, AR = allergic rhinitis, SABA = short acting beta agonists, OCS = oral corticosteroids.