Table 2.: Anthropometric and Sleep Parameters According to Anxiety or Depression

Anxiety n=71 Depression n=29 Anxiety Plus Depression n=116 No Anxiety, No Depression n=166 P Value
Age, y;* 51 [13] 54 [16] 48 [13] 52 [13] 0.047
Female; n (%) 27 (38) 9 (31) 59 (50.9) 51 (30.7) 0.006
Diagnosis of arterial hypertension, n (%)** 42 (59.1) 16 (55.1) 59 (50.8) 87 (52.4) 0.71
Epworth Sleepiness scale, * 12 [7] 15 [6] 16 [7] 11 [6] <0.0001
Self-reported sleep time, hours;* 7 [1.5] 8 [1.4] 6.8 [1.7] 7 [1.4] 0.08
Self-reported sleep latency, minutes;* 30 [31] 23 [25] 24 [27] 20 [21] 0.18
BMI, K/m2;* 34 [6] 32 [6] 36 [8] 33 [6] 0.0005
Neck circumference, cm;* 42 [5] 41 [4] 43 [5] 43 [4] 0.49
Mean sleep SpO2, %;* 84 [9] 85 [7] 82 [11] 83 [8] 0.20
Minimum sleep SpO2, %;* 65 [15] 64 [17] 61 [18] 60 [16] 0.22
AHI or RDI, events/hr;* 51 [38] 48 [35] 60 [42] 52 [34] 0.18
Use of Psychotropic drugs, n (%) 11 (15.5) 3 (10.3) 15 (12.9) 10 (6) 0.09

* Mean [SD]
** Previous diagnosis of high blood pressure, or currently taking antihypertensive drugs.
BMI, body mass index; AHI, apnea/hypopnea index; SpO2, oxygen saturation; RDI, respiratory disturbances index.By gender, the percentage was different in the anxiety plus depression group vs all others. For the Epworth Scale, significant differences were observed between the no-anxiety/no-depression group vs the anxiety-plus-depression group, as well as between the anxiety group vs the anxiety-plus-depression group. For BMI, significant differences were noted between the depression group vs the anxiety-plus-depression group, as well as in the anxiety-plus-depression group vs the no-anxiety/no-depression group.