Table 1.: Characteristics of the patients.

Variables  Number (N)  %
Patients No 386
 Female gender  214  55.4
 Male gender  172  44.6
Age (yr)
16-20  48  12.4
21-30  88  22.8
31-40 91  23.6
>41  159  41.2
Age (average) 37.7±13.4
Asthma diagnosis
With athma 280 72.5
Without athma (Rhinitis only) 106 27.5
With rhinitis  325  84.2
Without rhinitis  61  15.8
X-ray of paranasal sinuses
Positive for rhinosinusitis 302  78.2
Negative for rhinosinusitis  84  21.8
Atopic status
Positive seasonal allergens 109  28.2
Positive perenial allergens  72  18.6
Positive seasonal and perenial allergens  55  14.2
No atopy detected  105  39.0
Atopic status in asthma-only patients  61  
Positive seasonal allergens 6  9.8
Positive perenial allergens  6  9.8
Positive seasonal and perenial allergens  1  1.6
No atopy detected  48  78.6
Subgroup- asthma patients 280
Asthma and Rhinitis-coexistence  219  76.5
Asthma and Rhinosinusitis (X-ray) 256  91,4
Asthma without rhinitis  61  21.7
Asthma without rhinosinusitis  24  8.6