Table 1: Ordered probit model estimating the willingness of the commuter to switch his/her mode of travel under integrated multimodal traveler information.

Socio-Economic Characteristics Coefficients(β) Exp(β) P-value t-Statistics
Constant 2.435 0.002 2.991
Gender 0.814 2.256 0.006 3.434
Age 0.346 1.413 0.030 2.160
Level of education 0.291 1.337 0.048 1.974
Level of income -0.251 0.778 0.066 -1.838
Transport Facility Attributes Coefficients(β) Exp(β) P-value t-Statistics
Access mode to MRT station -0.45 0.637 0.089 -1.701
Access time to MRT station -0.513 0.598 0.006 -3.42
Waiting time at MRT station -0.139 0.87 0.066 -1.832
Seat availability 1.479 1.614 0.695 1.815
Travel time difference (min) 0.158 1.171 0.025 2.229
Travel cost difference(S$) 0.13 1.138 0.100 1.641
Threshold Parameters for Index Coefficients(β) P-value t-Statistics
μ1 1.512 0.000 5.015
μ2 2.812 0.000 7.968
μ3 4.1 0.000 8.935
Summary Statistics
Number of observations 360
Log likelihood function -127.22
Restricted log likelihood -175.6669
Degrees of freedom 350
χ2 96.88975
ρ2 0.274