Table 2: Estimated Odds ratio for at fault truck collision with other vehicles, 2011-2014.

Collision Characteristic Predictors Odds ratio 95% CL
Driver Characteristics Gender: Male truck driver (0 if true; 1 otherwise) 2.61* 1.54-4.44
Age group1: Younger driver: age <45 years (1 if true; 0 otherwise)
Violation record: Traffic record of one ticket or less (0 if true; 1 otherwise) 1.48* 1.10-1.99
Residency: State of Wyoming (0 if true; 1 otherwise) - -
Environmental Characteristic Weather condition1: Clear (0 if true; 1 otherwise) - -
Road condition1: Dry (0 if true; 1 otherwise) - -
Vehicle characteristic CMW weight: Truck greater than 26000 pounds (1 if true; 0 otherwise) - -
Temporal characteristic Day of week1: Weekends (1 if true; 0 otherwise)
Time1: Peak hours 6< <22: (0 if true; 1otherwise) - -
Roadway characteristic Delta1 - -
Radios1 - -
Horizontal Length1 - -
Sag A1: Less than 2.0 (0 if true; 1 otherwise) - -
Crest A1: Greater than -2 (0 if true; 1 otherwise) - -
Posted speed limit: Speed limit less than 65 (0 if true; 1 otherwise) 1.48* 1.07-2.03
Crash characteristic No of vehicle: 1 (0 if true; 1 otherwise) 3.15* 2.37-4.18
Pre-collision vehicle actions1: Straight-ahead (0 if true; 1 otherwise) - -
Manner of collision
Rear-end1 (1 if true; 0 otherwise) - -
Sidewipe1 (1 if true; 0 otherwise) - -
Others1 - -
Head-on (1 if true; 0 otherwise) 1.83* 1.35-2.46
Rollover (1 if true; 0 otherwise) 4.35* 3.08-6.13
Occupant ejection: Driver is partially or totally ejected (1 if true; 0 otherwise) 4.55* 1.62-12.83
Driver behavior Driver distraction: No distraction in truck (0 if true; 1 otherwise) 2.57* 1.76-3.75
DUI suspicion: Driver was suspected of driving under the influence condition (1 if true; 0 otherwise) - -
Sign of fatigue: Driver was fatigued (1 if true; 0 otherwise) 3.69* 2.281-5.990
CMV driver safety technology in use: Safety equipment was used (1 if true; 0 otherwise) 9.64* 3.03-30.65
Severity (response): no injury=0, injury or fatality=1
*indicates p<0.05
1 indicates insignificant variable included in the initial model