Table 3: Comparison of tunnel incident detection systems.

Category VDS-Based Algorithmsa Video Incident Detection Systemb AADS (This Study)
Performance DR 85-95% 14-85% 80-95%
FAR 0.03-0.35% 15-85% 2.6-3.5%
MTTD 156-306 s 10-120 s 1 s
Operations characteristics Calibration Difficult Difficult Easy
Installation height restraint No Yes No
Influence of occlusion No Yes No
Tunnel incident types Fire X O X
Crash X X O
Wrong-way maneuver X O X
Debris X O X
Stopped vehicle X O X
Queue X O X
Slow vehicle X O X
Skid X X O
Pedestrian X O X
Change in traffic flow X X

Note: DR = Detector Rate; FAR = False Alarm Rate; MTTD = Mean Time To Detection; O = Detection is possible; X = Detection is impossible. aSource: Comparison and Analysis Tool for Automatic Incident Detection, Transportation Research Record, No. 1925, 2005. bSource: Video Incident Detection Tests in Freeway Tunnels, Transportation Research Record, No. 1959, 2006.