Table 3: Examples of Heterotypic Henipavirus Serum Titers

Sera from Infected Individuals Binding to NiV G Binding to HeV G Sera from sG Vaccinated Cats SNT Titer NiV SNT Titer HeV
HeV human 1:16000 1:8000 HeV sG cat 1 1:20480 1:20480
HeV horse 1:16000 1:32000 HeV sG cat 2 1:20480 1:20480
NiV human 1:32000 1:2000 NiV sG cat 3 1:20480 1:1280
NiV pig 1:8000 neg NiV sG cat 4 1:20480 1:2560

SNT = serum neutralization test.