Table 2: Equations for calculating biogas yields.

Symbols Descriptions and Units Equations
ṁin Mass flow of fresh input slurrya (kg day-1) Eq.2
ṁFM Mass flow of fresh manurea
ṁMfact Factor of mass fresh manure (0.6)
TSFM Total solid of fresh manure (%)
TSin Total solid of input slurry (%) equals to 7.5
VD Volume of digestion (m3) Eq.3

hrt Hydraulic retention time (day) equals to 40
ϱin Density of input slurry (kg m-3) equals to 1
LR Loading rate (kgvs m-3diester day-1) equals to ~1.5
ṁVS Mass flow of volatile solid of input (kgvs day-1)
Byield Biogas yield (m3 year-1) Eq.5
Bsum-rate Biogas summer rate (m3 kgvs-1 in summer)
Bwin-rate Biogas winter rate (m3 kgvs-1 in winter)
dsum Summer days with an average temperature of 26ºC
dwin Winter days with an average temperature of 15ºC
Bavailable Biogas available (m3 year-1) Eq.6
Bloss Biogas loss (%) equals to 10

a Only faeces. b Input slurry: mixed water and manure at a ratio of ~1.3 kg kg-1.